Sunday, January 31, 2016

SOLID Principles summary for CodeCampSDQ 5.0 attendees

This is a summary of the SOLID principles to be used as an index by the CodeCampSDQ 5.0 (2016) attendees.

Are you lost?

If you don't know what are the SOLID principles, or what is CodeCampSDQ please read the following two sections. If you were an attendee to the event and you are looking for the talk material jump to What is SOLID? 

What is CodeCampSDQ?

In summary (checkout the official site), CodeCampSDQ is
Just a group of "idealistic dreamers" who think they can change the world, a CodeCampSDQ at once.
 With the following mission (as of this writting)
The technical conference CodeCampSDQ tries to educate the community of professional Information Technology (IT) of the Dominican Republic, fostering a spirit of collaboration and sharing of knowledge for our attendees.
The conference official site is and Facebook page is

Is the 5.0 (2016) a product version?

No, this means that is the event number five and happens on 2016.

What is SOLID?

Is a mnemonic acronym for five basic principles of object-oriented (OO) programming and design. The principles were stated by Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin) in the early 2000s.

The initials stand for:
  • S: Single responsibility principle (SRP)
  • O: Open/closed principle (OCP)
  • L: Liskov substitution principle (LSP)
  • I: Interface segregation principle (ISP)
  • D: Dependency inversion principle (DIP)

Extended version of each principle

I've done a summary of each principle presented in a problem-solution way. Each post has the following basic structure:
  • Brief description of the principle
  • A sample code not honoring the principle aka the Dirty version 
  • A rationalization about why the code is violating the principle, along with the proposed solution
  • The solution presented as the Clean version, and
  • Finally, and explanation about what is the relation of the principle with Agile Software Development

This is the list of posts:

Where is the code?

All code samples used on the four posts are in a single GitHub repo lsolano/blog.solid.demo

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