Sunday, June 12, 2016

Professionalism or Class Suicide?

At SoftTopia each software product, from the smallest utility to the large enterprise application, has a Quality Label. That label indicates the product’s quality for the given release, both internally and externally. The external measure indicates how close to the original functional requirements is the final product. The internal measure indicates how easy is to keep the product alive over time, keeping it within the time and cost boundaries set by all stakeholders (maintainers, customers, owners, etc.).
Grade A Software Package

Let’s suppose that this “label” is an obligation at SoftTopia, so, no software product can be released without that information.

Case A

SoftTopia had implemented that norm since the creation of the first software package, as they already had a quality oriented culture when they were hit by the technological revolution.

Case B (ours)

The computer program was created in the 1840s, at SoftTopia. 175 years later, and with millions of software products in use, the SoftTopia leaders released the new quality norm. This is a free commerce society so they only demand the quality label to be placed on each product, but the customer is the one that decides which product to buy. Even though, some industries are regulated because of their impact on the society, like the health sector, hydrocarbons, government, foods, public transportation, civil aviation and defense.

What happens next?

What will the software professionals and businesses not able to create products according to the new norm do?
How will a government institution handle the fact of finding out that almost all of its suppliers deliver software with a quality level below the norm?
What will do the private sector when their customers realize that a good share of the operational costs is due to poor quality?
How will the universities and education institutions sell their software engineering syllabus after realizing that their graduates are not able to build software according to the new norm? 

Let’s now break the SoftTopia tale 

If, little by little, the software professionals and companies from the industry start to publish, voluntarily, the quality level of their products: Will that be Professionalism or Suicide?

What do you think? …

Profesionalismo o Suicido de Clases

En SoftTopia cada producto de software, desde la más pequeña utilería hasta la aplicación empresarial más grande, cuentan con un Sello de Calidad. Ese sello mide la calidad del release del producto tanto interna como externa. La externa indica el grado de cumplimiento de las funcionalidades del paquete comparado con los requisitos de los clientes. La interna indica que tan fácil es de mantener vivo el proyecto respetando los parámetros de tiempo y costo esperados por los involucrados (mantenedores, clientes, propietarios, etc.).
Software Package Grade A

Supongamos que ese “sello” es una normativa obligada en SoftTopia, por tanto, ningún software puede ser liberado sin esta información.

Caso A

SoftTopia implemento esa normativa desde la creación del primer paquete de software pues ellos ya tenían una cultura orientada a la calidad cuando los alcanzo la revolución tecnológica.

Caso B (nuestro)

El primer programa de computadoras en SoftTopia fue creado en los 1840s. 175 años después, y con millones de productos de software en uso, los líderes de SoftTopia lanzan la normativa de calidad. SoftTopia es una sociedad de libre comercio, así que solo exigen que la etiqueta de calidad este presente, pero son los clientes quienes deciden cual software comprar y utilizar. Sin embargo, algunas industrias son reguladas por su impacto en los procesos sociales, algunas de esas son: el sector salud, hidrocarburos, gobierno, producción de alimentos, transporte público, aviación civil e instituciones de defensa.

¿Que pasara luego?

  • ¿Qué harán los profesionales y empresas de desarrollo de software que no puedan crear productos con un nivel de calidad aceptable para el cliente regular?
  • ¿Cómo manejara una empresa del estado al darse cuenta que casi todos sus suplidores entregan paquetes de software con una calidad por debajo de la exigida por la nueva regulación? 
  • ¿Qué harán las empresas privadas cuando sus clientes se den cuenta que un gran porcentaje de sus costos operativos son causados por los costos de mantenimiento de software sin calidad?
  • ¿Cómo venderán sus programas de clases las universidades e instituciones de formación para ingenieros de software al darse cuenta de que sus egresados no están capacitados para cumplir la nueva normativa?

Rompamos ahora el cuento de SoftTopia

Si poco a poco, los propios profesionales del software y las empresas del sector empezaran a publicar, voluntariamente, el nivel de calidad interno de sus productos: ¿Seria esto profesionalismo o suicidio? 

¿Qué piensas? …

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Top Secret: Source Code or Underwear


Why after going to a coding dojo developers are reluctant to share their code in public (GitHub or similar)?

Is our coding style so secret that we can not share it?

It will be embarrassing if someone look at your unfinished and full of mistakes practice material?

Are we only allowed to produce "perfect" code?

Is your code as your underwear? 

I don't know the answers to any of these questions, but if you do please comment about: What blocks you from showing your, practice, code in a public repository?

Ultra secreto: Código Fuente o Ropa interior


¿Por qué luego de asistir a un coding dojo, los desarrolladores se reúsan a compartir su código en público (GitHub o similar)?

¿Es nuestro estilo de codificación tan secreto que no lo podemos compartir?

¿Sería vergonzoso si alguien mirara nuestro material de practica sin terminar y lleno de errores?

¿Solo se nos permite producir código “perfecto”?

¿Es tu código como tu ropa interior?

No conozco las respuestas a esas preguntas, pero si usted por favor comente al respecto: ¿Qué te impide mostrar tu código de practica en un repositorio público?

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Ideas Locas

Imagina que los Dioses del Código te dieron una varita
Varita mágica
mágica*. Esta impresionante herramienta te permite analizar, instantáneamente, una base de código y darle una puntación de 0 a 10 acerca de su mantenibilidad; donde cero (0) significa imposible de cambiar y diez (10) realmente fácil de cambiar.

De repente, recibes tres propuestas de consultorías de clientes distintos (A, B y C). Ellos te están requiriendo la implementación de nuevas funcionalidades en su producto principal. Utilizando tu varita mágica determinas que:

  • El Producto A tiene un índice de mantenibilidad de 6,
  • El Producto B tiene uno de 1.5, y
  • El Producto C tiene un índice de mantenibilidad de 9

Tus clientes potenciales te aclaran que sus respectivos productos son de misión critica y que el impacto de introducir nuevos defectos podría ser catastrófico. Por tanto, ellos van a transferir ese riesgo a ti: cualquier defecto encontrado durante un periodo de validación de dos meses deberá ser resuelto lo antes posible y sin costo alguno.

Asumiendo una estrategia de precios X (basada en tiempo, basada en esfuerzo, etc.), ¿podríamos
  • Cobrarle al Cliente C la tarifa regular?
  • Cobrarle al Cliente A la tarifa regular ajustada (multiplicada) por algún factor basado en el riesgo (inversamente proporcional al índice de mantenibilidad)?
  • Simplemente descartar el Cliente B y evitar el riesgo?

¿Me sigues?

  • ¿Podríamos educar a nuestros clientes utilizando una estrategia de precios la cual refleje directamente el nivel de riesgo y esfuerzo que debamos asumir al trabajar con productos de software desordenados (baja mantenibilidad)?
  • Con el tiempo, y algunas experiencias duras, ¿Estarán nuestros clientes más vigilantes acerca de la calidad de su base de código, y tal vez comiencen a requerir mayor calidad a todos los desarrolladores, tanto a lo interno como fuera de su organización?

* No esperes a los Dioses, puedes utilizar SonarQube, PMD, ReSharper, Checkstyle, y muchas otras.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Otra razón para hacer Pair Programming

Unas semanas atrás nosotros (el equipo de desarrollo) estábamos pagando un poco de deuda técnica, antes de iniciar la sesión de codificación hicimos una pequeña reunión de planificación. Durante la reunión, les comunique a mis compañeros que realizaríamos las mejoras (refactoring) en parejas (pair programming).

Yo asigné las parejas y establecí un sistema de dos (2) rondas, durante cada ronda una pareja debía completar una tarea por cada integrante (desarrollador). Luego las parejas debían cambiar (de integrantes). Al final de la segunda ronda si algún desarrollador tenia trabajo pendiente, el (si todos hombres, aburrido), debería completar su trabajo trabajando solo. De esa manera durante el día de trabajo cada quien trabajaría con dos compañeros.

Luego de mie explicación de dos o tres minutos, alguien pregunto:
- ¿Por qué debemos hacer pair programming?
- Porque quiero forzar la nivelación y transferencia de conocimientos, contesté

Esa pregunta se quedó en mi cabeza todo el día, primero porque para mí era tan obvia la respuesta y también porque había muchas otras razones: 

  • Aprender trucos del IDE
  • Doble chequeo de refactoring (complejo y con posibilidad de introducir errores)
  • Formación de lazos: el sentido de que estamos arreglando “nuestro” trabajo, no solo tratando con mi propia basura privada tirada en algún momento pasado
  • Etc.

Resultados y Ventajas

  • Pudimos reducir las violaciones reportadas por la herramienta de calidad en un 17%
  • En el proceso aprendimos nuevos trucos del IDE de los compañeros, o los descubrimos por vagancia (tratando de cambiar más código en menos tiempo)
  • Mejoramos archivos HTML al remover atributos no necesarios o elementos deprecados (por la especificación de HTML5)
  • Discutimos el por qué las violaciones, seleccionadas manualmente, para solucionar eran importantes y como podrían afectarnos en el futuro
  • Al final de la sesión todos acordamos en apartar un día de cada Sprint para pagar la deuda técnica vieja
  • Ahora todos estamos más vigilantes, durante las revisiones de código, ante nuevas violaciones a los estándares de codificación 


  • Gran parte del tiempo lo gastamos en tareas tediosas y manuales
  • Para las 3 pm todos estábamos extenuados
  • Conflictos de sincronización: por el hecho de haber distribuido las “violaciones” por tipo, y no por archivo o clase, hubo una alta tasa de conflictos


Puede ser mejor asignar el trabajo por archivo, o grupos de archivos. Así solo ocurrirán conflictos cuando la interfaz publica (de las clases) cambie.

También, una sesión de limpieza de código realizada por archivo o clase no es tan aburrida pues se manejan diferentes tipos de violaciones.

Another reason for Pair Programming

Some weeks ago we ( the development team) were paying some technical debt, before the coding session we did some planning. While in the short planning meeting I told to my team mates that we'll be doing our refactoring in pairs (pair programming).
Cleaner Developer

I assigned the pairs and established two rounds, during each round a pair need to complete only one task per developer. Then pairs must switch. At the end of the second round if any developer had pending work he (yes all boys, boring), must complete it alone. That way during the day everyone get to work with two partners.

After my 2 to 3 minutes explanation someone asked: 
- Why don we need to do pair programming?
- Because I want to force some knowledge transfer level, I said

That question got stuck in my head the hole day, first because for me the answer was so obvious and also because there were so many other reasons like:

  • To learn IDE tricks
  • Double checking of (complex, and error prone) refactoring
  • Bounding: the sense that we are fixing "our" work, not just dealing with private garbage let by me
  • Etc.

Results & Pros

  • We manage to reduce the issues reported by our code quality tool by 17%
  • In the process we learned new IDE tricks from peers, or discovered by laziness (trying to change more code in less time)
  • We improve HTML files by removing unnecessary attributes or deprecated elements (by HTML5 spec)
  • We discuss why the, cherry-picked, list of violations to fix were important and how they could affect us in the future
  • By the end of the session we all agree to set apart one day of each sprint to paid old technical debt
  • Now everyone is more vigilant, during code reviews, for newly introduced violations to coding standards


  • Most of the time it was tedious manual labor
  • Around 3 pm everyone was exhausted
  • Merge conflicts: because I distributed "violations" by type, not by, physical, file or class there was a high frequency of conflicts


Maybe it is better to assign work by file, or groups of files. That way the conflicts will only occur when public interfaces get touch.

Also, a per class / file cleaning session is not so boring because you get to handle different kinds of violations.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Canned Software

It’s the day you go shopping (groceries), you go to your preferred supermarket and start your routine. You take all fresh goods, and then head to the canned ones. Your children love canned chicken soup; you know it’s not as healthy as the home-made version, but you use it as a prize for good behavior.

They take a two-week supply and gave it for you to put all the cans in the shopping cart. You, as a responsible parent, inspect the cans one by one, looking for defects and the most important fact: the expiration date. You realize that all cans have the same taste, but they are from different brands. Some already had expired (last year!), some will expire in about a month, and finally you see a group of units with an expiration date about one year in the future. As everyone expects, you pick the last group (is always good to have some canned food if a zombie apocalypse occurs).

Now imagine, just for a moment, that instead of canned chicken soup, you went to shop canned software. And that software will be used to run your business, your brand new car, your home fire detection system, or something as delicate as a life support medical machine. 

Continuing with this history, imagine that instead of an expiration date the software cans are labeled with two important information: what they do (functionalities) or ingredients if they were chicken soup; and what is the expected date when that software will no longer be maintained by its creators (expiration date). That last piece of information talks about the internal quality of the software. It says to you: How easy can this software be extended or fixed. Going back to the chicken soup if we have:
Bad Software Can
Rotten Software Can

  • A can of software (soup) with a past Expiration Date: that means that is not possible for the team working behind that software to fix, add, or change features because the product is a total mess (internally).
  • A can of software (soup) with an Expiration Date in the near future: this is a software system (project) that is already dying. Its internal quality is reaching the no return point. In a matter of month this system will no longer be maintainable by its team.
  • A can of software (soup) with an Expiration Date so distant that nobody can really say when it will happen: this system is the most reliable, extensible, less risky one. 

Good Software Can
Fresh Software Can
Of course we are assuming that the first quality feature (functional) is the same for the three scenarios. 

The second quality feature (expiration date) is what is commonly called the Maintainability Index.

So, please, the next time you need to buy a software system, check its expiration date, you don’t want to poison your business, home, car, or children.

Maintainability Index: opinions and usefulness

The usage of this metric is not universally accepted in the software industry. For example checkout (van Deursen 2014) Think Twice Before Using the "Maintainability Index", where the author exposes why he is not quite sure if the metric should be used. 

The main concern is about the reference data (base-line) used to measure software systems. The maintainability index can be considered a relative metric. Is a common practice for software laboratories to test systems (for its internal quality properties), and use that data so build a ranking. If the baseline does not represent the universe of software products relevant for the subject of the analysis the output is not very useful.

Thankfully, labs like the Software Improvement Group (SGI) calibrates their base data yearly. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Crazy Ideas

magic wandImagine that the Gods of Code gave you a magic wand*. This impressive tool allows you to instantly analyze a code base and give a score from 0 to 10 about its maintainability; where zero (0) means impossible to change, and then (10) really easy to change.

Suddenly, you receive three consulting proposals from distinct clients (A, B, and C). They are requesting you to implement some new features in their flag-ship product. Using your magic wand, you determine that:
  • Product A has a maintainability index of 6
  • Product B has one of 1.5, and 
  • Product C has a maintainability index of 9 

Your potential clients have stated that their product is mission critical and that the impact of introducing new defects (bugs) to that product can be catastrophic. Because of that they will transfer that risk to you: any new bug found during a two-month certification period need to be fixed ASAP and without any additional payment.

Assuming a pricing strategy X (time based, effort based, etc.), can we 

  • Charge Client C the regular rate? 
  • Charge Client A the regular rate adjusted (multiplied) by some risk based factor (inversely proportional to the maintainability index)? 
  • Just drop client B and avoid that risk? 

Do you get where I’m going? 

  • Can we educate our customers by using a pricing strategy that directly reflects the level of risk and effort we need to put in order to work with their messy piece of code? 
  • With time, and some hard experiences, will our customer be more vigilant about the quality of their code base, and maybe start demanding more quality for all developers, inside or outside their organization? 

* Don’t wait for the Gods, you can use SonarQube, PMD, ReSharper, Checkstyle, and many others.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

SOLID Principles summary for CodeCampSDQ 5.0 attendees

This is a summary of the SOLID principles to be used as an index by the CodeCampSDQ 5.0 (2016) attendees.

Are you lost?

If you don't know what are the SOLID principles, or what is CodeCampSDQ please read the following two sections. If you were an attendee to the event and you are looking for the talk material jump to What is SOLID? 

What is CodeCampSDQ?

In summary (checkout the official site), CodeCampSDQ is
Just a group of "idealistic dreamers" who think they can change the world, a CodeCampSDQ at once.
 With the following mission (as of this writting)
The technical conference CodeCampSDQ tries to educate the community of professional Information Technology (IT) of the Dominican Republic, fostering a spirit of collaboration and sharing of knowledge for our attendees.
The conference official site is and Facebook page is

Is the 5.0 (2016) a product version?

No, this means that is the event number five and happens on 2016.

What is SOLID?

Is a mnemonic acronym for five basic principles of object-oriented (OO) programming and design. The principles were stated by Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin) in the early 2000s.

The initials stand for:
  • S: Single responsibility principle (SRP)
  • O: Open/closed principle (OCP)
  • L: Liskov substitution principle (LSP)
  • I: Interface segregation principle (ISP)
  • D: Dependency inversion principle (DIP)

Extended version of each principle

I've done a summary of each principle presented in a problem-solution way. Each post has the following basic structure:
  • Brief description of the principle
  • A sample code not honoring the principle aka the Dirty version 
  • A rationalization about why the code is violating the principle, along with the proposed solution
  • The solution presented as the Clean version, and
  • Finally, and explanation about what is the relation of the principle with Agile Software Development

This is the list of posts:

Where is the code?

All code samples used on the four posts are in a single GitHub repo lsolano/blog.solid.demo

Monday, January 18, 2016

SOLID Principles: ISP (4 of 4)

If you missed the previous post from this series check it out SOLID Principles: LSP (3 of 4).

Interface segregation principle: ISP

The principle states that
"No client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use."
In other words what the principle says is that components should be discrete: if you ask someone its name you don't want to know that he is divorced four times and likes Italian food.

Imaging you are working with an input mapped to a Camera, the stream of data coming from that source is Read Only, and Non Seekable. You have no way to "write" to the camera feed, or to seek the camera to a specific time; you only get to read or loose the data. But because you are using a general purpose IO framework you end up using an InputSream with reset() and mark() / seek() methods.

What the ISP says for cases like this, is to split the interface into as many smaller ones as needed by the clients. The division is done looking at the "roles" the initial interface must play. In our case the InputStream is playing a both the Read Only and Non Seekable roles. The first one is implicit by the name prefix "Input", so we don't need to create another one to indicate that is an Read Only stream. But for the second role we need a way to say that our stream does not allows seek operations. So we could split the InputStream in two components: InputStream, and SeekableStream. The first one stays as is, with the seek-related methods removed. The second one will only have the seek-only methods on it.

Related Concepts

In the previous example we have an, initial, InputStream playing to many roles: usually those interfaces are called "Fat Interfaces".

After doing the cleaning process, we end up with two more specific interfaces one to only read and another allowing us to seek, those interfaces are called "Slim Interfaces", or "Role Interfaces", meaning they are describing a single role.

Of course, that does not means that we are unable to implement both interfaces in a single concrete component. But for clients expecting just one of the roles we can declare that the given component fulfills that role, and no more, by casting the concrete implementation with the needed role interface.

Something like this:
CameraOrMediaInputStream camInput = new CameraOrMediaInputStream(...);
CameraReader camReader = new CameraReader((InputStream)camInput);

CameraOrMediaInputStream mediaInput = new CameraOrMediaInputStream(...);
MediaReader mediaReader = new MediaReader((SeekableStream)mediaInput);

Casts are redundant in many OO languages but were added to imply the signature of both constructors expecting the steams.

Be aware that "Role Interfaces", does not mean "Single Method Interfaces", a role may be fulfilled by a single method, or by sequence of calls to related methods.

Code sample

Code samples are on github repo lsolano/blog.solid.demo
The code was written using Scala 2.11.7 using the JVM 1.8.0u20. The example for this principle is an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). Our ATM is located in an international airport so it must handle withdraws with currency conversions. The ATM also supports deposits using both cash and cheques.

Here you have a summary of the use cases:

The initial class diagram for these use cases are:
Fat Interface
Fat Interface

Here is the code for the "fat" ATMInteractor component:
class ATMInteractor(securityService: SecurityService, withdrawalService: WithdrawalService,
    depositService: AnyRef, currencyRatesService: AnyRef) {
  require(securityService != null)
  require(withdrawalService != null)
  require(depositService != null)
  require(currencyRatesService != null)

  def validate(request: CustomerValidationRequest): CustomerValidationResponse = {
    val validation = securityService.validateCustomer(PlasticInfo(request.secret,


  def withdrawal(request: WithdrawalRequest): TransactionResponse = {
    val response = withdrawalService.withdrawal(com.malpeza.solid.isp.model.Withdrawal(, request.amount))
    val failReason = response.reason match {
      case Some(r) => r match {
        case com.malpeza.solid.isp.model.InsufficientBalance => InsufficientBalance
        case _ => CallBank
      case _ => CallBank

    TransactionResponse(response.done, Option(failReason))
  def deposit(request: AnyRef) = ???

object ATMInteractor {
  def apply(securityService: SecurityService, withdrawalService: WithdrawalService,
    depositService: AnyRef, currencyRatesService: AnyRef): ATMInteractor = {
    new ATMInteractor(securityService, withdrawalService, depositService, currencyRatesService)

What is wrong with this code: ISP?

Simply put, this component is doing to much. It handles all use cases: Customer Validation, Withdrawal, and Deposit. Because of that, it has to many dependencies (services).

If you are validating a customer you don't need to know anything about Deposits or Withdrawals.

Cleaning the code

Honoring the ISP

We need to split all these responsibilities and create specialized components able to handle each interaction (transaction). So we'll end up with three components named CustomerValidation, Withdrawal, and Deposit; each one representing a use case. To keep this post short, the Deposit and Withdrawal with currency conversions scenarios were left out.

This is the revised class diagram showing only the important components:
Clean Interfaces
Clean Interfaces

CustomerValidation code:
class CustomerValidation(securityService: SecurityService) {
  require(securityService != null)

  def validate(request: CustomerValidationRequest): CustomerValidationResponse = {
    val validation = securityService.validateCustomer(PlasticInfo(request.secret,


object CustomerValidation {
  def apply(securityService: SecurityService) = new CustomerValidation(securityService)

Withdrawal code:
class Withdrawal(withdrawalService: WithdrawalService) {
  require (withdrawalService != null)
  def withdrawal(request: WithdrawalRequest): TransactionResponse = {
    val response = withdrawalService.withdrawal(com.malpeza.solid.isp.model.Withdrawal(, request.amount))
    val failReason = response.reason match {
      case Some(r) => r match {
        case com.malpeza.solid.isp.model.InsufficientBalance => InsufficientBalance
        case _ => CallBank
      case _ => CallBank

    TransactionResponse(response.done, Option(failReason))

object Withdrawal {
  def apply(withdrawalService: WithdrawalService) = new Withdrawal(withdrawalService)

Agile Link

With the ISP we gain Orthogonality. For that concept I mean the following meanings
statistically independent
non-overlapping, uncorrelated, or independent objects of some kind

In other words, we get components with none or little relation. If one must change the other(s) remain untouched. This minimizes the impact of changes.

Orthogonality can be applied to architectural layers such as IO, Persistence, Transactions, Logging, etc.; or to behaviors like the sample project presented here. The last version has a clear separation of Use Cases. We could implement all those behaviors in a single component but that will make the code harder to maintain.

With such a reduced amount of use cases is difficult to see the need for this (over)engineering, but try to imagine the following:

You are working in an online retailing product's back-end API. It's the fifth year since the API initial version, and you have about 500 different use cases, each one with some pretty complicated scenarios such as:
  • Checkout with mixed payment methods: Coupons + Prepaid Card + Credit Card + PayPal, etc.
  • Manage upper bounds for customers by category to protect then from errors or malicious actions
  • Single purchase with multiple items with arbitrary groups allowing for shipment to different addresses
  • Manufacturers promotions by random distribution for customers matching certain profiles
  • ...

How many times you think you would expend each time you need to add a new feature or change an existing one if all these cases are implemented into a single component, or distributed within a small group of components?

Series links

Previous, SOLID Principles: LSP (3 of 4)
Next: none, this is the last one.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

SOLID Principles: LSP (3 of 4)

If you missed the previous post from this series check it out SOLID Principles: OCP (2 of 4).

Liskov substitution principle: LSP

This principle states that:
"objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their sub-types without altering the correctness of that program."
This introduces us to the concept of Substitutability.
Substitutability is a principle in object-oriented programming. It states that, in a computer program, if S is a sub-type of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (i.e., objects of type S may substitute objects of type T) without altering any of the desirable properties of that program (correctness, task performed, etc.). 
Put it simple: If you say you are a Duck be a one but fully. LSP differs from Duck typing (0) in that the former is more restrictive than the later. Duck typing says that for an object to be used in a particular context it must have a certain list of methods and properties, leaving out the details about what happens when you use those methods and properties (the object's internals). So how restrictive are the LSP sub-typing rules? here is a summary of the rules:
  • Requirements on signatures
    • Contravariance (1) of method arguments in the sub-type.
    • Covariance (1) of return types in the sub-type.
    • No new exceptions should be thrown by methods of the sub-type, except where those exceptions are themselves sub-types of exceptions thrown by the methods of the super-type.
  • Behavioral conditions
    • Preconditions (2) cannot be strengthened in a sub-type.
    • Postconditions (2) cannot be weakened in a sub-type.
    • Invariants (2) of the super-type must be preserved in a sub-type.
    • History constraint (the "history rule"): sub-types must not allow state changes that are impossible for its super-type, this is possible because sub-types may include new methods that can alter its state in ways not defined by the parent type. So the history that you get after calling a certain methods sequence must be the same for the super-type and the sub-type.

Principle requirements explained (top-down):

Contravariance of method arguments: 
If your father accepts Animals, you must accept also Animals, not just Cats.

Covariance of return types in the sub-type:
If your father returns Animals, you are safe to only return Cats, because all Cats are also Animals.

No new exceptions:
If your father throws an AnimalException you are free to throw AnimalTooLargeException but not a ChairException.

Preconditions cannot be strengthened in a sub-type:
Imagine that you have a VeterinaryClinic with an operation called sacrifice(pet: Animal), with a contract saying that for an animal to be sacrificed it must have a deadly disease (hasADeadlyDisease property returning true).

Later you derived a VainVeterinaryClinic with a new rule: you only sacrifice pretty and deadly ill animals. If they are ugly and have a deadly illness you let then suffer. Now this sub class has a more restrictive precondition (contract) in order to sacrifice animals. Where your code expect a Vet Clinic instance and you pass the Vain one you could receive an exception when trying to sacrifice an ugly deadly ill animal.

Postconditions cannot be weakened in a sub-type:
Continuing with this cruel example, if you have a post-condition for the sacrifice(pet: Animal) method indicating that after the method completes the animal must be dead (isAlive returning false), then a sub-type of the Vet Clinic class can not alter this behavior leaving animals alive after calling the sacrifice operation. This will be a more permissive (weak) contract than the one defined by the super-type.

Invariants of the super-type must be preserved in a sub-type:
If Animal class defines the name property as immutable, then Cats can not be renamed. For Animal instances the name is an invariant through the life-time of each object. So for Cats it must be also true.

History constraint:
Imagine an animal cage with two operations enter(a: Animal) and takeOut(): Animal; the case also have a read-only property called isEmpty: boolean. If you look back a sequence on calls to these methods (the history of an instance), you can easily predict the final value of isEmpty.
  • enter(a) => takeOut() => enter(a): isEmpty is false
  • enter(a) => takeOut() => enter(a) => takeOut(): isEmpty is true

Then if you derive a CatCage from AnimalCage the former must ensure that the same relation (on the later) holds true. You cannot have a CatCage saying that is empty after an enter(a: Animal) call.

These rules are better explained using an strongly typed language such as Java and C#, you can check out the following test classes and their associated class under test:, and (on the java sub-directory).

Side note: Who is Barbara Liskov?

Very, very short Bio

Barbara Liskov (born November 7, 1939 as Barbara Jane Huberman) is an American computer scientist who is an institute professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Ford Professor of Engineering in its School of Engineering's electrical engineering and computer science department.

Among her achievements we found that, with Jeannette Wing, she developed a particular definition of sub-typing, commonly known as the Liskov substitution principle (LSP). For more information check her bio at MIT web site.

Why I'm writing about her?

In our industry (software development), and in particular my country the Dominican Republic, we have a huge disparity between male and female personnel. I believe that this is holding us back because as with any aspect of the life, the diversity is good to avoid biases and narrow thinking.

Code sample

Code samples are on github repo lsolano/blog.solid.demo 
The code was written using JavaScript over Node.js v4.2.4. The sample API is about a logging library.We'll focus our attention to the Appenders cluster (family). The main components are:
  • The API entry point called SOLIDLogs, from there get instances of loggers and appenders
  • The Logger, with very simple implementation: supports only debug() and error() operations.
  • The Appender interface (contract) and all implementations: Console, REST, DB, etc. Each appender is responsible for sending the messages from logger to its destination based on some configuration
All Level information was left out to keep the API as simple as possible. We are assuming that the level is ALL so always debug and error messages are sent to appenders.

Here is the diagram of the API on its first (dirty) version:
Dirty logging API
Dirty logging API

This is the first version of the Appeder Base (BlackHoleAppender), and its derivatives ConsoleAppender and MySQLAppender.

BlackHoleAppender (aka AppenderBase)
function BlackHoleAppender(args) { = ( || 'defaultAppender');

BlackHoleAppender.prototype.normalizeMessage = function(message, category) {
 return message;

BlackHoleAppender.prototype.append = function(message, category) {
  var finalMessage = this.normalizeMessage(message, category);
  this.write(finalMessage, category);

BlackHoleAppender.prototype.write = function(finalMessage, category) {
  /* To be implemented by sub-classes */

module.exports = BlackHoleAppender;

const maxMessageLength = Math.pow(2, 30);

var AppenderBase = require('./BlackHoleAppender.js');

function ConsoleAppender(cons, maxLength) {
 this.console = (cons || console);
 this.maxLength = maxLength || 0;
 var finalArgs = ['ConsoleAppender'];, function(arg) {

ConsoleAppender.prototype = new AppenderBase('ConsoleAppender');

ConsoleAppender.prototype.write = function(finalMessage, category) {
  switch (category) {
  case "Error":

ConsoleAppender.prototype.normalizeMessage = function(message, category) {
 var msg = (message || '');
 var allowedLength = (this.maxLength || maxMessageLength);
 msg = msg.length > allowedLength? msg.substring(0, allowedLength) : msg;
 return msg;

module.exports = ConsoleAppender;

const maxMessageLength = Math.pow(2, 14);

var AppenderBase = require('./BlackHoleAppender.js');

function MySQLAppender(rdbmsRepository, maxLength) {
 this.repository = rdbmsRepository;
 this.maxLength = maxLength || 0;
 var finalArgs = ['MySQLAppender'];, function(arg) {

MySQLAppender.prototype = new AppenderBase('MySQLAppender');

MySQLAppender.prototype.write = function(finalMessage, category) {
  switch (category) {
  case "Error":
   this.repository.persist( { text: finalMessage, category: category });
   this.repository.persist( { text: finalMessage, category: "Debug" });

MySQLAppender.prototype.normalizeMessage = function(message, category) {
 var msg = (message || '');
 var allowedLength = (this.maxLength || maxMessageLength);
 msg = msg.length > allowedLength? msg.substring(0, allowedLength) : msg;
 return msg;

module.exports = MySQLAppender;

To see how the API is used take a look to the following files: /js/test/dirtyTest.js and /js/test/cleanTest.js.

What is wrong with this code: LSP?

Here we have one base class and two derivatives. The base does nothing with the passed message on the normalization step, it just returns the same thing. So its contract is "allow all messages".

In contrast, Console and MySQL appenders have a limit on the message length. So they indeed are tightening their base-type's contract . That means that when an Appender is expected,  and we pass the Console or MySQL version parts of the message could me silently truncated. This is a direct violation to the LS principle. Sub-types of the base appender must accept all the same input range managed by the base-type.

Cleaning the code

Honoring the LSP

By the time of this writing (2016) we have the following limitations in the length of an string when targeting the following platforms / products:
  • UTF-8 is a "variable-length" encoding raging from 1 to 4 bytes per character, it can encode all UNICODE characters, so we must assume that UTF-8 will be used to store the message sent to the appenders.
  • The worst case scenario with UTF-8 is that all characters in a string use 4 bytes so we must divide the total bytes capacity of the storage media by 4 to know the safe possible maximum length.
  • JavaScript implementations can handle from 2^20 to 2^32 bytes per string. If we divide 2^32 by 4 we get 2^30, so for the ConsoleAppender the max allowed message length will be 2^30.
  • MySQL (5.x) has a limit for string (varchar) columns of 2^16, again divided by 4 yields 2^14
  • SQL-Server has a 2^30 bytes limit, divided by 4 gives us 2^28
With that information, and knowing that in order to honor the LSP the sub-types of BlackHoleAppender must allow at least the same message size as the super-type, we must force the base appender to handle the minimum possible message size, that is 2^14 from the MySQL implementation.

In order to do that we should "declare" the fact that know the appenders handle an explicit message max size. Also we must decide what to do when the message is longer than expected. To solve this we'll introduce the max length limit as the property maxLength, and the behavior when exceeded as an enumeration with only two possible values: Truncate (default), and Ignore.

As an invariant no sub-type of BlackHoleAppender should limit messages to a shorter length than its parent, in order to comply with the LSP. All these changes are captured in the following diagram:
Clean logging API
Clean logging API
The orange components (and notes), have all the relevant changes. Now lets see the base and console appeders:

BlackHoleAppender (cleaned):
var msgHandling = require('../messageHandling');

function BlackHoleAppender(name, config) { = (name || 'blackHole');
  this.maxLength = (!!config.baseMaxLength? config.baseMaxLength : 0);
  this._messageHandling = msgHandling.truncate;

Object.defineProperty(BlackHoleAppender.prototype, 'messageHandling', {
 get: function() {
  return this._messageHandling;
 set: function(messageHandling) {
  return this._messageHandling = messageHandling;

BlackHoleAppender.prototype.normalizeMessage = function(message, category) {
 var msg = (message || '');

 if (msg.length > this.maxLength) {

  if (this.messageHandling === msgHandling.truncate) {
   msg = msg.substring(0, this.maxLength);
  } else {
   msg = null;
 return msg;

BlackHoleAppender.prototype.append = function(message, category) {
  var finalMessage = this.normalizeMessage(message, category);

  if (!!finalMessage) {
   this.write(finalMessage, category);

BlackHoleAppender.prototype.write = function(finalMessage, category) {
  /* To be implemented by sub-classes */

module.exports = BlackHoleAppender;

ConsoleAppender (cleaned):
var AppenderBase = require('./BlackHoleAppender.js');

function ConsoleAppender(cons, config) {
 var finalArgs = ['console', config];, function(arg) {

 AppenderBase.apply(this,, 2));

 this.maxLength = Math.max(config.consoleMaxLength, this.maxLength);
 this.console = (cons || console);

ConsoleAppender.prototype = new AppenderBase('console', {});

ConsoleAppender.prototype.write = function(finalMessage, category) {
  switch (category) {
  case "Error":

module.exports = ConsoleAppender;

API usage example (for real usage see mocha tests):
/* Optional: Appenders configuration override */
var configOverride = null,
    /* Boundary interface: How to "talk" with mySQL */
    repository = new DBMSXYZRepo(),
    /* The logger */ 
    logger = SOLIDLogs.getLogger(),
    /* Some appender */ 
    appender = SOLIDLogs.getMySQLAppender(repository, configOverride);

appender.messageHandling = msgHandling.ignore; /* default is msgHandling.truncate */

logger.debug('Hello World!');
logger.error('The World Is On Fire!!!');

Agile Link

With the LS principle we gain predictability. I like the following meaning found in the Oxford dictionary:
The fact of always behaving or occurring in the way expected.

Simply put with LSP we avoid surprises (aka WTFs). We avoid wasting time chasing bugs from bad-behaving components. If we are designing some framework we can create tests to be run by people making extensions or sub-types of our base types, also for people implementing our contracts (pure abstract, interfaces, or just words on paper).

With components designed like this, we are able to improve our estimates for change requests. Our velocity does not bounce dramatically and we get a sense of confidence both internal (the team) and external (stakeholders). This benefits help to build a Long Term Team, reduce stress level and staff turnover rate.

Series links

Previous, SOLID Principles: OCP (2 of 4)
Next, SOLID Principles: ISP (4 of 4)

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