Sunday, May 22, 2016

Canned Software

It’s the day you go shopping (groceries), you go to your preferred supermarket and start your routine. You take all fresh goods, and then head to the canned ones. Your children love canned chicken soup; you know it’s not as healthy as the home-made version, but you use it as a prize for good behavior.

They take a two-week supply and gave it for you to put all the cans in the shopping cart. You, as a responsible parent, inspect the cans one by one, looking for defects and the most important fact: the expiration date. You realize that all cans have the same taste, but they are from different brands. Some already had expired (last year!), some will expire in about a month, and finally you see a group of units with an expiration date about one year in the future. As everyone expects, you pick the last group (is always good to have some canned food if a zombie apocalypse occurs).

Now imagine, just for a moment, that instead of canned chicken soup, you went to shop canned software. And that software will be used to run your business, your brand new car, your home fire detection system, or something as delicate as a life support medical machine. 

Continuing with this history, imagine that instead of an expiration date the software cans are labeled with two important information: what they do (functionalities) or ingredients if they were chicken soup; and what is the expected date when that software will no longer be maintained by its creators (expiration date). That last piece of information talks about the internal quality of the software. It says to you: How easy can this software be extended or fixed. Going back to the chicken soup if we have:
Bad Software Can
Rotten Software Can

  • A can of software (soup) with a past Expiration Date: that means that is not possible for the team working behind that software to fix, add, or change features because the product is a total mess (internally).
  • A can of software (soup) with an Expiration Date in the near future: this is a software system (project) that is already dying. Its internal quality is reaching the no return point. In a matter of month this system will no longer be maintainable by its team.
  • A can of software (soup) with an Expiration Date so distant that nobody can really say when it will happen: this system is the most reliable, extensible, less risky one. 

Good Software Can
Fresh Software Can
Of course we are assuming that the first quality feature (functional) is the same for the three scenarios. 

The second quality feature (expiration date) is what is commonly called the Maintainability Index.

So, please, the next time you need to buy a software system, check its expiration date, you don’t want to poison your business, home, car, or children.

Maintainability Index: opinions and usefulness

The usage of this metric is not universally accepted in the software industry. For example checkout (van Deursen 2014) Think Twice Before Using the "Maintainability Index", where the author exposes why he is not quite sure if the metric should be used. 

The main concern is about the reference data (base-line) used to measure software systems. The maintainability index can be considered a relative metric. Is a common practice for software laboratories to test systems (for its internal quality properties), and use that data so build a ranking. If the baseline does not represent the universe of software products relevant for the subject of the analysis the output is not very useful.

Thankfully, labs like the Software Improvement Group (SGI) calibrates their base data yearly. 

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